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medical devices

medical devices

Getting much-needed medical devices to international markets can be a long and tedious process. At CQ fluency, we specialize in precision navigation of the highly complex. We identify and successfully address all the hurdles especially those that deal with submissions and labeling of devices and cultural competence.

medically and technically accurate translations

Your language compliance partner with an accredited team of medical translators experienced with regulations, such as EU MDR and IVDR. We manage the full scope of medical device translations, including but not limited to:

instructions for use

instructions for use

Protect patient safety through proper medical device with accurate translations of device instructions.

medical device operation manuals

medical device operation manuals

Ensure identical end-user experience of your medical device with accurate operation manual translations.

product catalogs

product catalogs

Fully translated and localized medical device product details and ordering information.

medical device software localization

medical device software localization

Robust automated workflows to detect and implement localization changes to your medical device software.

package inserts and labelling

package inserts and labelling

Regulatory assessments of local label and packaging laws required for multinational clinical studies.

ensuring quality control

compliance documentation

Global regulatory reviews to ensure your documents are in full compliance with requirements, such as US FDA and EU MDR/IVDR.

medical and biotechnical communications

Our team includes 1,500+ certified medical translators and editors

Our medical and biotechnical communications are:

  • Consistent with the needs of health care providers
  • Understandable to patients wherever the devices are used
  • Properly labeled
  • Conformed to global and local government regulations
ISO 9001 Certified Quality Control Systems

Our ISO 9001 and 17100 certified quality control systems were designed to fulfill the exact standards of the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries. Finally, our CQ Quality Care customer service ensures that getting a medical device to any market is a smooth and streamlined process.

delivering accurate language services across all life science verticals

Advance Clinical Logo
Bristol Myers Squibb Logo
Lilly Logo
Merck Inventing for Life Logo
Thermo Fisher Scientific Logo
Medical Diabetes Check Device

drive compliance in your medical device translations today